Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Upcoming Tweed Ride in DC (Part 1)

As some of you know, my dear hubby and I are avid recreational bicyclists and when the opportunity came up to go on a fun social tweed ride, we (okay I)  jumped at the opportunity to dress up in vintage style clothing and ride our bikes around the city.  I'm pretty excited about it and it's a fun and great way to meet people or just to even photograph.

The outfit below may be one possibility but haven't decided yet.

These so-called rides have been happening in NYC, Chicago, San Francisco and now DC. I have yet to attend one of these functions so I'm trying to figure out what to wear.  Since is the TWEED Ride after all,  I guess I'll have to don a tweed look.

Here are some ideas that I got from random sites:

I can probably mimic this outfit pretty well but it might be quite cold out so I'll need a coat.

I have the shoes and the jacket but not the pants.

This outfit is just bad-ass with the cape and red tights and awesome red bike.  I have none of the above.

I definitely can don the hat and faux fit but no red top here. 

Part 2 - Trying on outfits for the Tweed ride!!  Will probably post within the next few days.

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