Sunday, October 24, 2010

Haven't posted in a while - Halloween is on it's way!!

I guess I'm still trying to figure out what I want to focus on in this blog. I like that I can keep a daily journal although I really don't update it that often.  That's okay.  I realize that I'm allowed to write anything I want and no one can stop me. Sometimes I'm on this kick and want to write down everything, post outfit pics, post stuff that I want and NEED of course, and other times I get on this lazy trip.

Anyway, I would love to focus more on this blog since the holidays are coming up:  Halloween being  a favorite of mine since I was a child. Unfortunately, I didn't really plan on doing anything this Halloween, but I did end up finding these awesome glasses.  Leave it to Martha S. to come up with this idea:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Ahhh....Bowie...the old Ziggy Stardust days are by far my favorite.
    Love the spider glasses (love Martha too but that's another story) we just had our annual Halloween party last night...I don't think I will evr tire of this holiday...the child in me loves it way too much!
