hubby with niece - July 29, 2012
I vow to post in my blog for at least one month just to see if I can do it and that starts today, August 1st.
Lots happening in my life right now: busy with work and travel although not so much in terms of taking photographs but that's going to change.Since work will be quite slow this month (August 1 through September 10), here are a list of a few things on my agenda in no particular order:
- Make my goal weight about 5-10lbs. to go.
- Work out 5-6x a week: incorporate weight training, yoga, and ballet for a toned,chiseled look.
- Update my blog everyday if possible.
- Post photographs of my daily life.
- Prime and paint small bookcases for second bedroom.
- Organize 2nd bedroom.
- Purge old clothing: sell on Ebay or send to Goodwill.
- Go see live music at the many venues in town.
- Have a girl's night in (or maybe out).
- Train for the NYC Century bike tour on September 9th - plan on doing 55 miles.
- Discover and eat at a new restaurant.
- Must check out the many art museums.
- "Window" shop for Fall items.
- Discover new music.
- Hem/alter pants and sew up button holes.
- Sign up for photo classes.
- Sign up for a sewing class.
- Sign up for a 10k or 10-mile race
- Shop my closet so no buying clothes if I can help it and Fall will be here fast.
- Clean house in general: dust, dry clean drapes, etc.
- Start commuting to work if I ever get my bike back from the shop.
That's it for now. If I remember anything else, I'll add it to the long list.