Monday, January 7, 2013

A Good Year So Far!!

What can I say? It's been one terrific new year so far and it's only been 6 days into the new year. Let me make a list of the all the good things happening or have happened:

1. New Year's Eve -  the mod 60s party. So much fun.
2. My 40-something birthday with my dear hubs just hanging out, listening to music, laughing, eating, enjoying each other's company.  Okay, I still don't feel 40-something. Is that wrong?
3. Still feeling 30-something. But do I look 30-something? Oh who cares!
4. A new job to begin on January 15th. I have 4 days off this week except Wednesday. Gotta take some unused leave so they don't have to pay me for it. That's fine with me.
5. 2.6 lb. weight loss and I haven't really exercised or tracked for 3 weeks. Nervous energy I suppose. Oh gotta do a 8 mile long run today. 5-6 lbs. until I reach my goal.
6. My new bosses are awesome. My new assistant will be awesome. The whole staff is AWESOME!! It's like a total love fest where everyone just gets along. Is this job for real???
7. New job telling me it's okay to take leave in April for my bff's wedding in Taos, NM. Oh yeah!!
8. Having a big smile on my face while in my current old job. I hope it doesn't show too much. Hah!! (mentally flicking off those I didn't care for) 9 more days until the new job.
9. Clearing out my old desk after 15 years. Wow. Did I really wear those shoes?
10. 7 years before I can retire and get my full retirement. I can't believe I'm saying that. Ugh!! Would you believe I'm already getting AARP stuff in the mail? What the eff is that about?

Hope you are all having a good start to the new year.



  1. I have a feeling that at the age of 40-something I will feel just like I do now: not quite grown up :) Maybe we just never grow up. Don't worry about the AARP stuff. I get it too and I'm 28 (or something).

    Good luck at your new job and with your weight loss! I have goals in both those areas, too.

  2. I cross the bridge to 4-0 this fall and almost can't believe it myself. Age is definitely a state of mind!
    So happy for you - you are totally beaming in this picture and you look fabulous to boot.
    Who ever said change was bad????

    Best of luck with your new job...keep us posted!

  3. It isn't important to look like a 30, you are a very beautiful lady! dan
