Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hello World!! I'm ready for you.

I spent the whole day with my mother yesterday and I can truly say that we had a good time shopping together. She actually put lipstick on and dressed up for me (which she hasn't done since my dad passed last year). It was nice to see that because this was a woman who always dressed up and had make up on. My dad's death really was a blow to her and this past year I guess she was in total mourning.

We both ended up buying a few items from petite BR and ATL so I'm feeling a bit guilty today (even though it was a birthday treat to myself). I'll have to retry some clothes to see if I really love them. Mom bought me this beautiful fake-fir lined olive jacket from ATL as a birthday gift. Then we looked at furniture and gifts (Z Gallerie and West Elm) and saw some interesting pillows (see pic). I'm really into the Mediterranean ethnic patterns.

Unfortunately, I never made it to my favorite store: Anthropologie. Maybe I can do that this week.

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